Lincoln Envirotown Trust
Lincoln Envirotown Trust
Lincoln Envirotown Trust is an Environmental, Community registered charity. The underlying goal of our organisation is “taking responsibility for a sustainable future” and to this end we run several ongoing projects and put on numerous events.
The Projects
Selwyn Timebank - aims to strengthen our communities by creating opportunities for people to meet their neighbours and share their resources and skills.
Community Gardens – these are currently located in the grounds of Lincoln Maternity Hospital. People are encouraged to grow their own food either at the gardens or by attending the many workshops provided.
The Mahoe Reserve – Ongoing work with volunteers to restore the Mahoe Reserve in Lincoln to a healthy indigenous ecosystem, highly valued by the community.
The Responsible Business Network - set up to help Selwyn businesses and organisations become more socially and environmentally responsible. Offers support to businesses in these goals and conduct a biannual awards event to celebrate business achievements.
Predator Free Selwyn Projects there are two aspects to this project; firstly, we run a Trap Library which lends out traps to the public free of charge (with the relevant “training” and safety instruction); secondly, we conduct our own Trapping in reserves in cooperation with Selwyn District Council.
Please call Dave on 03 423 0445 for more information about these projects.
In addition, we run numerous events throughout the year and people are encouraged to look out for these on the Lincoln Envirotown website or Facebook Page
They include such things as:
Repair Cafes
Clothes Swaps
Environmental Film Competition
Documentary Films
Kids Craft Events
Water Testing
High School Waste Art Competition
Lincoln Envirotown Trust
Facebook: LincolnEnvirotown
Phone 03 423 0445