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Okinawa Goju Ryu Kenkyukai Karate-do

Okinawa Goju Ryu Kenkyukai Karate-do

Welcome !
Thank you for taking the time to enquire about what we do.

Unfortunately, in today's society we are seeing a steady rise in the incidence of violence. The media is constantly bombarding us with stories of violent attacks on people…..we hear stories about children who are abducted on their way home from school, women attacked late at night, or couples attacked in their homes.
Having some basic self-defence knowledge and “tools in the toolbox” will not only help to prevent physical harm but will add psychological value in the off chance you are confronted.
“ The irony of it all is that most people decide to learn self defence after they have been attacked….. “
“ You may try to convince yourself that it will never happen to you....good luck. Because if you have not got a bit of knowledge, luck is what you will need to rely upon…. “
If you are prepared to put a bit of work in and make a commitment, we extend an invitation to you to join us.
We train once a week at the Prebbleton Community Hall on a Thursday from 6pm.
The dojo is open to everyone ages 8 year old and above and we promote family attendance. We mix all ages together in our training.
(You may have seen us during the summer months running around the roads…)
For us, it has made us better people both in mind and body and the way we live our lives.

Our objectives:
Our classes are aimed at self-defence & personal development with a by-product being health and fitness. We train and teach traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate-Do in the same way as it is taught in Naha, Okinawa. This is not a Japanese style. The training is progressively demanding as each student’s physical and mental strength and skill increases, thereby encouraging personal qualities of austerity, sincerity and gentleness. Our grading’s for belt colour is competency based not just attendance.
Respect is an underpinning philosophy throughout our training and is expected not only within the dojo (training hall), but outside it. We ask that the students be cordial and courteous to every person they meet, both in and out of the dojo. Physical training and mental development coupled with good moral character must be equally sought-after by the karateka. Personal spirit, community pride, respect of all races and cultures, and continued self-development are the strongest hallmarks of a good karateka. Politeness and humbleness are also attributes encouraged and expected.
We do not teach “sport” or “competition” karate, although students are welcome to take part in tournaments if they wish. For those wishing to follow this path specialised advice can be given.
Parents/caregivers should notice an improvement in concentration/wellbeing/learning ability of their young-folk over time.
Only Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu, as practiced and taught by Goju Ryu Kenkyukai So Honbu in Okinawa is taught; no sport, just Goju Ryu as it is supposed to be, based on self-defence that works in a friendly environment (this is not to be confused with easy!).
The basics:
• Preventative measures to confrontation including assertive behaviour
• Counters to chokes, holds and grabs
• Effective blocks and striking counters

What is Goju Ryu?
Goju Ryu translated meaning “Go” (hard) “Ju” (soft) “Ryu” (school or style). Kenkyukai means “the research of”. Goju-Ryu is one of the 4 remaining original styles of Okinawa karate and was founded by Miyagi Chojun Sensei (1888-1953) in Okinawa.
Our club has a direct linkage via our Master Taira Masaji Sensei to Eiichi Miyazato Sensei …. Miyagi Chojun’s student.
So Goju Ryu Kenkyukai Karate means “research school of hard/soft karate”. It refers to the many concepts of balance that embody our style and also life. For example, by becoming physically stronger (“hard”) we can develop a more gentle (“soft”) personality.

The word kara-te is a combination of two Japanese characters: kara, meaning empty, and te, meaning hand; thus, karate means "empty hand" – a form of combat without weapons. Adding the suffix "-do" (pronounced "doe"), meaning "way," implies that karate is a total way of life that goes well beyond the self-defence applications. In traditional karate-do, we always keep in mind that the true opponent is oneself.

The Ladbrooks and Prebbleton dojo under the instruction of Sensei Geoff Blokland has been authorised by Sensei Taira from Naha as official sites for the above training. Sensei Geoff’s son Sensei Jacob (3rd degree black belt) is assistant dojo instructor, and daughter Jemima (1st degree black belt) also help out.
Sensei Geoff began his martial arts training in his teens under John Bonniface Shihan (Christchurch) practicing Jujitsu, Karate and Judo during the 1970’s. These were very hard training times and many students used to come and go. He stopped training for a few years in mourning of the passing of his Shihan and then in preparation for his new-born son to start karate, he began training again this time at Lincoln dojo during early 90’s.
In 2003 he graded to 1st degree black belt under NZ Chief Instructor IOGKF Sensei Terry Hill (Hamilton), then to 2nd degree in 2007, 3rd degree black belt in 2011 under Paul Allott Sensei (Jundokan), in 2014 was promoted to 4th dan black belt by Master Taira Sensei our world Chief Instructor after personal training in Naha, Okinawa; and then to 5th Dan in Adelaide in May 2019.
In 2012 he was awarded Shibucho (Dojo head for Christchurch) status from Taira Sensei. Geoff Sensei has trained under a range of instructors globally – USA, UK, Australia, Thailand and Okinawa. He has a small amount of Kobudo knowledge under Derek English Sensei that is mixed in from time to time.
In 2021 he was inducted into the NZ Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
Geoff sensei is also a NZ Justice of the Peace.

Training times: 6.00 – 7.00pm juniors, 6.00 – 8.00pm seniors
Place: Thursday: Prebbleton Hall
Fees: Term training fee, per school child $75.oo; per adult $75.oo
Wear: Initially loose comfortable clothing, but once the student has decided on moving forward with their training a white karate dogi or gi (uniform) with a white obi (belt) is to be worn. Geoff Sensei can advise on procurement.
Note: Students using their martial arts knowledge in a disrespectful way or in a way against the philosophies of our codes of conduct & ethics will be kindly asked to leave.


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we cannot be held responsible for any content errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

This website is curated by Bakkerprint, with the intent to share local knowledge

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