Hello All,
Summer is almost over, the days are drawing in and it will soon be time to put the clocks back. Remember to check your smoke alarm batteries! With cyclone Gabriel devastating many areas over the recent weeks it is a timely reminder to refresh your emergency kits and register with “Selwyn Gets Ready”. If you would like to help your community in an emergency there are three different types of volunteers, community, emergency support and response teams, for more information email cdem.team@selwyn.govt.nz
Community Association
I would like to thank the outgoing Community Association members for their many years of voluntary service to the community. The committee was made up of a diverse range of ages and skills which reflected the community in which we live. Their initiative brought us; Carols at the Cottage, Matariki celebrations, Community Newsletters, Speed indicator signs and lights on the cottage. A special mention must go to Shelley Bakker for resurrecting the previously defunct market and tirelessly organising Sunday markets throughout the years.
The Shands /Trents and Shands/ Hamptons roundabouts design, land acquisition and consenting is progressing. Completion of this is expected in Spring 2023 allowing for construction to proceed over summer of 2023/24.
Trents and Hamptons Rd seal widening is in the design stage. The roads will be widened as part of the roundabout projects, making it much safer for all users.
Trices Road Tosswill Road intersection
This dangerous intersection is being upgraded. Design work is being undertaken. As with many local intersections poor driver behaviour is leading to unfortunate collisions.
A recent survey of crash data in Selwyn indicates three primary causes
1.Poor observations at intersections
3.Poor vehicle handling.
All three are driver behaviour related, what is not accurately recorded is the impact of driver aggression and impatience. Work is being done to highlight this to the community and the need to change our own driver behaviours.
Be prepared, Stay Alert, Slow Down, Drop Back and Stop means Stop Are the key messages.
Kakaha Park
Stage 1A of our new park on Birchs Road opened on November 26th 2022, 200 plus people came along to try out the new bike tracks and check out the facilities. The dog park is open and proving very popular. EV charging stations are being installed and changing rooms are under construction. Work is ongoing as this is a $17.2m multistage project expected for completion in 2029
The watermains in the old original streets of Prebbleton are well past their use by date and are being replaced. Blakes Rd was the first to be done and this was achieved over the school holidays to minimise disruption.
Norris St, Charles St and Williams St will be next in that order. So please be aware of the disruptions that it will cause and be patient around the roadworks.
Norris St will be closed off for some time, so if you are delivering and picking up children from the school, walking may be a good option.
Anzac Day
I am hoping this year that covid will not affect attendance at the service. I will organise the road closure and set up my PA to lead the service as I normally do.
Tuesday April 25th, see you there for a 9am start.
If you would like to contact me txt or call on 0274339964 for the most direct response or email me at malcolm.lyall@selwyn.govt.nz I look forward to hearing from you and helping with local issues.