Hello fellow residents,
Spring is here at last and hopefully, the ground will start to dry out so that the multitude of rain-induced potholes can be properly repaired.
As your voting papers arrive, I look back on what has been achieved in the last council term and the challenges that face us going forward.
Road works
I am very pleased with the two new roundabouts; road safety has been greatly improved at those intersections. Thank you for your patience during their construction.
Just last week I received confirmation of the Waka Kotahi funding share for the next two roundabouts at Shands/Trents and Shands/ Hamptons.
The widening of Trents Road and Hamptons Road will occur at the same time as construction of the roundabouts as it did for Blakes Road. The Trents Road roundabout will be multi-lane and partially funded by the developers of Plan change 68.
The Springs/ Hamptons roundabout is programmed to follow in 2024/25, if funding is approved by Whaka Kotare. The construction of that roundabout will then see the completion of the $24m intersection improvement package that I have been pushing for the last two terms of council.
Speed Limits
To reduce the road toll, the Government has implemented the “Road to Zero” program.
As part of this initiative, $1million has been allocated in the 2027-2030 National Land Transport Program for further safety and speed calming works through the center of Prebbleton. The intention would be to lower the speed limit further through the center of Prebbleton on Springs Rd to further discourage through traffic when the then newly constructed Springs /Hamptons roundabout is in place.
Council has in its long-term plan a project to install traffic signals at the Springs Road/ Tosswill road intersection in 2026/27. This will provide greater safety for both motorists and pedestrians, it will also provide gaps in the traffic flows along Springs Road which improves road access and crossing ability. The funding has been allocated but not confirmed. I hope to be able to make sure that happens as your representative.
Our New Park
The first stage of the $17.2 million park is due for completion and opening in November and stage 1a includes 10ha in the southeastern corner of the park including the dog park, dog park carpark, Leadleys Road carparks.3.5 lit sports fields, walking tracks, cycle tracks, and playground features.
This project is ongoing, stage 1b is anticipated to be completed in June 2023 and stage 2 in February 2029.I am pleased to have been able to support this to see it get developed.
Pump Track
The pump track is finally finished and very popular. It is a great asset for our children. Special thanks need to go to Kevin Ban, it was his vision. Kevin approached me and I encouraged him to bring a proposal to the Council’s annual plan process. After some debate, we secured funding to have it built. It has taken several years and is not quite the design that he had in mind, but we have it. Thank you, Kevin.
Government Mandated Change
This Government with a parliamentary majority has taken that opportunity to make many changes to the laws and regulations that Local Government must adhere to.
Local Government is able to make submissions on proposed changes but has no other remedy. If a Council disagrees with the legislative or regulatory changes, the law is the law, and we must comply. Failing to do so may result in the government removing elected councilors and appointing commissioners, Tauranga City is an example of this happening.
The 3 Waters Reforms, Medium Density Residential Housing Standards, National policy Statement on Urban density and Water regulations are all changes that affect us here in Selwyn.
While I may not agree that they are necessary, I have no option but to work within these legal frameworks. For example, the Council has sought an exemption from chlorination of an already safe Prebbleton water supply.
I have supported the councils’ submissions in opposition to the legal and regulatory changes and used every opportunity to lobby Government Ministers when I meet them while fulfilling my role as Deputy Mayor.
The changes brought about by the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPSUD)
have enabled landowners to apply for private plan changes outside of previously set growth boundaries. Across the Selwyn District, there have been over 20 plan change applications, there are several around us, and some have been successful. This will see our township grow, we need a new community facility and we have $6.4million in the budget to build one. With the population growth that will come with already approved local plan changes, I believe that a larger center will be needed and the budget is now too small.
If re-elected I will push for more funding, I believe there is an opportunity to build a fit-for-purpose combined community and sports facility to set us up for the future.
Tomorrow there will be a wrap around on the Selwyn Times letting you know where you can post your vote, there will be pop up voting stations in various locations i.e., Fresh Choice Prebbleton on Saturday October the 1st New World Lincoln October the 2nd and at our local libraries.
I continue to work hard to represent our community. If you want Prebbleton’s voice to be heard at the Council table, please put your tick next to Lyall on the voting paper as I am the only resident of Prebbleton standing for Council in the Springs ward.
If you would like to contact me txt or call on 0274339964 for the most direct response or email me at malcolm.lyall@selwyn.govt.nz I look forward to hearing from you and helping with local issues.
Malcolm Lyall
Authorised by Malcolm Lyall 520 Springs Road, Prebbleton